Monday, August 24, 2015

Motivation Monday ~ Don't terminate your miracle

Last week my friend shared this story on Facebook...
Tomorrow I will be 6 months pregnant!
My doctor has called my son, "A miracle baby!"
It has been a roller coaster ride with this pregnancy. The fact he came into the world was a miracle within itself because my husband and I never went to a fertility clinic, etc. Our pregnancy was a complete surprise. The doctors told me years back I could never have children. What's even more miraculous is the baby's will to stay in my womb!
The doctor first told me it was a tubal pregnancy, then later said it was a molar pregnancy and to prepare myself to let him go, but later they found a heart beat and said I had several large fibroids that were hiding him. However, the fibroids could prevent his growth, etc.

I was immediately classified as a high risk pregnancy because I'm 42 years old with pre-existing conditions. For the past 1 1/2 months the genetic doctors from Kaiser said he would have Klinefelter syndrome because his blood test results came back 99.9 percent positive. We were given the choice to terminate our pregnancy or continue with the pregnancy and prepare ourselves for his disability.
Instead, we chose to pray over our son and just declare that God would not have brought him into our lives, after these past 14 years of being barren just for him to be disabled. We decided to continue with the pregnancy, but we just knew in our hearts that God was going to perform a miracle- that the 2% chance they had given us that the results could be wrong were already in our favor.
In fact, for my employee password I used "100 false" for every time I logged into my computer. With every key stroke I was telling the enemy he was a liar. I was declaring day in- day out in my mind that those results were going to be a false positive. God was for me and my son... He already had His miracle for us. I just needed to be Still and wait upon the Lord.
Last week, I got my amniocentesis test results back and it was officially confirmed my son will be normal. There was NO extra chromosomes! My OB doctor, who is a non-believer, was amazed because she really thought the results would still remain the same, but I told her that my husband and I still believe in miracles and that the Lord always has the last word.
Although, it has been a physically challenging pregnancy and definitely an emotional one, I've come to realize that God is just using me, and my soon to be son, Brandon Luke, to testify to others about God's greatness and that He is still able to do the impossible!
I was so blessed by my friend's post.  How many times have we looked at our surrounding circumstances instead of trusting in God.
Many would have terminated the pregnancy after hearing the prognosis but she and her husband chose to cling onto God's miracle.
Don't terminate your Miracle!
Your marriage may look shaky,
Your job may be draining,
Your finances might look bleak,
Your health might be deteriorating...
whatever the case may be,
Your Miracle just might be right around the corner!
Have a blessed day!


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