Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving ~ Let's Make a Difference

A few years ago a man approached me and told me about an incident that happened when he was a little boy.  His house had caught fire around the holidays and there was so much damage done that, with all of the financial burden added to his family, there wasn't going to be any way they were going to afford anything for Christmas. 
He paused and said, "I don't know if you remember this but you and the company that you worked for adopted my family that Christmas." 
To be honest I had forgotten all about that incident.  It had happened over 20 years ago.  I do remember that my work was looking for a family to adopt for the Christmas season and I had heard about the fire and thought they would be a good candidate.

This man went on to tell me what an impact that small gesture had on his life.  He said he made a promise that when he was old enough he would pay it forward.  He wanted me to know that he had made good on his promise and that he and his children look for a family every Christmas to bless.

I had to fight back the tears while he was talking.  I was so honored to be the instrument that God used to bless an entire family's life.

<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen=""></iframe>

Recently a friend shared the above commercial with me and it just moved me.  It reminded me of the fire incident.
It reminded me of the true meaning of Christmas...
I've gotten so wrapped up in decorating and shopping and well, that's not really what it's all about is it?

We're adopting a family, not because of this story, but because it's just what we do during the holidays.  We're blessed and we want to be a blessing.

Today I'm not sharing pictures of pretty things...those will be on the blog soon enough.
Today I'm hoping to inspire you to go out and make a difference in someones life.
Maybe it's not in your budget to adopt a family, so how about giving an encouraging word to someone, carry someones groceries for them, bake cookies and take them to your local fire station or police department, or just simply take the time to smile and spark up a conversation with someone.

Some of the things this commercial says are:

I did
because you gave.

I created
because you saw me as an artist.

I found Christ
because I saw him reflected in you...

This holiday season I'm inspired to make a difference.
Will you join me?

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Taking Note...

I read this list of thoughts on another blog last week and decided I'd play....
I think it's good to take a moment to assess things in your life.

Here's what I came up with:

Making: A Christmas gift

Cooking: Nothing at the moment...

Drinking: Raspberry Lemonade

Reading: Too many blogs!!

Trawling: tbh I had to look up the definition of this word!  It means a thorough search....(your welcome!)  So, I'm trawling: through every website trying to find this pendant light at the best price!!!

Wanting: 2 of the above lights!

Looking: At all the beautiful Christmas inspiration on all of the blogs I read!!

Deciding: That I need a second job to pay for Christmas!!

Wishing: My mom could see my house all decorated for Christmas...I miss her!

Enjoying: My quiet time.  I'm home alone at the moment and that never happens!!!

Waiting: For the Gilmore Girls to be released on Netflix Friday!!  I cannot wait!

Liking: My new fireplace makeover!  I can't wait to share it with you!

Wondering: How I'm going to decorate the front porch and yard for Christmas.

Loving: This cooler weather.  It's pretty perfect in my neck of the woods.  High to mid 70's during the day and cooler in the morning and at night.

Pondering: To paint or not paint my bedroom furniture...that's the question!

Listening: To Mariah Carey's Holiday on Pandora

Considering: Ripping the carpet off of my stairs.  Like seriously!

Buying: These adorable little penguins from Michael's.

Watching: Gilmore Girls.  We're on season 7!  Such a great show.

Hoping: I win the lottery!

Marveling: At how blessed my life truly is.  God is soooo good!

Cringing: At my bank account!!

Needing: A sugar daddy!  Haha, so kidding!!  Sort of....

Smelling: The cinnamon scent coming from my scentsy.

Wearing: Jeans, hoodie and boots.

Following: Too many other bloggers!

Noticing: There aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done on my to-do list!

Knowing: That I've lost many of my readers by now with this super long and wordy post so it doesn't really matter what I type at this point... :)

Thinking: I need to pick up my Christmas cards and start addressing them.

Disliking: How hard it is to lose weight!!  Especially during this time of year!

Opening: Bins and bins of Christmas decorations.

Giggling: At the thought of my husband reading what I put down for what I'm needing!

Feeling: Grateful that I did all of that "after Christmas" shopping last year. Opening all my new stuff this year felt like Christmas!

Celebrating:  Getting to spend time with all of my family and friends in the upcoming days.

Pretending: Santa is still coming even though the kids are done believing... :(

Embracing: The chaos that is my home at the moment!

Ok, now it's your turn....


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Transformation Tuesday ~ Bergere Dresser

Happy Election Day!!

I hope you've gotten the chance to get out and vote.  I'm wearing my "I voted!" sticker proudly today!  :)

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned some of the craziness going on in my life in this post.
One of the things I shared was that my Aunt had given me a dresser.  Yes, for FREE!!

Today I'm sharing with you how I transformed it.  I apologize for the low quality pictures...I took these with my iPhone.

Here is the before:

When I saw it, it was love at first sight.  I love all the detailing, the pretty legs, the little drawer on top...
I didn't really have a place for it in my house but I currently have a dresser in my closet that is falling apart and thought it would be a good idea to switch it out with this one.

I decided to paint it in Miss Mustard Seed's milk paint in Bergere.  I've painted other pieces in this color before and I love the gray/blue hue.

Here it is after the first coat and before all the magical chipping started to happen.

Here's the the little drawer after I got the look I was after.  I did a white wax over it.

Here is the beautiful piece once it was all finished.  I love all that chippiness goodness!!
I spray painted the hardware black and love how it pops!

Thanks for stopping by!!
God bless America.


Friday, November 4, 2016

Fall in the Green Room

Earlier this year I was part of the design team for a few rooms in our new church building.  It was a really fun experience.  I've never shared the transformation of those rooms on my blog but was recently in the Green Room adding some Fall touches and thought it was a perfect time to share this space with you.

What is the Green Room?  According to the dictionary, a "green room" is a room in a theater or studio in which performers can relax when they are not performing.
For the Fellowship Church, the green room is a similar space as its definition.  It's a space where our Senior Pastor and his family along with their guests can relax in between services.

Let's start at the beginning.  When we walked into this room for the first time it was awful.  There are no other more appropriate words.  It was being used by the contractor as a storage room/office/supply room.  It was just a hot mess!